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RE: Cure for Poor AM reception; minimal Audi content

Actually, I think the spelling is voila.  A viola is an instrument that 
looks like, but's bigger than a violin.  Glad to learn what people mean't 
when they wrote "wallah".  I was always confused about what India had to 
do with Audis.

Dick Binns   88 5kcstq

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Subject: Re: Cure for Poor AM reception
Author:  "Douglas Hurst Quebbeman" [SMTP:dougq@iglou.com] at MSXGATE
Date:    6/29/98 11:08 AM

> I was getting absolutely horrible AM reception (as in none!) in my 89
> 200TQW.  I cleaned up my car battery contacts which were full of crud and 
> wallah (sp?).  My AM reception has returned as good as new.
The word is "viola", and is pronounced "vwah-lah" (saw this "wallah" thing 
posted a few times on the list, so ha to comment). -doug q
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536     Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto,     84 Coupe GT
       77 100LS Auto,     86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar
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