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'88 5000s Climate Control & Brakes

I recently purchased an '88 5000s quattro and have some questions regarding
the climate control.

1. Is it just my car or do all of them heat better than they cool?  On a
warm day (75 - 80 degrees outside), I can set the climate to LO and still
not cool off the car enough to stand it with the windows up for more than a
few minutes.  The air is like a lukewarm breeze.  Heat is no problem.  Could
it be that the system needs a recharge?  How often should that be done?

2. I thought a/c was supposed to *rob* an engine of power.  If I switch on
the AUTO climate, the car suddenly seems to gain power.  If I turn climate
off, the engine feels choked down just slightly.  Any ideas?

3. Brakes:  When rolling backward down my driveway with ABS engaged, there
*sometimes* is a slight metal clang when I apply the brakes gently.  It'll
clang once or twice and then stop.  There is no noticeable problem with
stopping power or pulling to either side.  Also, when I tested the brakes on
ice, the ABS worked, but made a metallic pulsing sound much like metal
striking metal.  Without ABS, the brakes make no sound, but the car skidded.
The local VW (& formerly Audi) dealer's mechanic rode with me in the car on
the test and said he thought nothing was wrong and that it was simply the
sound an older ABS system makes.  True?

The previous owner kept meticulous records.  Last a/c service was at 72k mi
(replaced O-ring at restrictor, recycled freon, recharged system - Audi
dealer).  The car currently has 105k mi.

Thank you for you assistance.