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Re: '88 5000s Climate Control & Brakes

Hairy green toads from Mars made AMZ say:

> 1. Is it just my car or do all of them heat better than they cool?  On a
> warm day (75 - 80 degrees outside), I can set the climate to LO and still
> not cool off the car enough to stand it with the windows up for more than a
> few minutes.  The air is like a lukewarm breeze.  Heat is no problem.  Could
> it be that the system needs a recharge?  How often should that be done?

Is this with A/C on? (setting is not ECON) If so, then you need to
recharge. If the A/C is off (ECON), then my car does this; it's because
the fresh air intake is right under the hood, and gets some warmth
from the sun and the engine. Of course, my fresh/recirc flap is
busted. Maybe yours is, too.

> 2. I thought a/c was supposed to *rob* an engine of power.  If I switch on
> the AUTO climate, the car suddenly seems to gain power.  If I turn climate
> off, the engine feels choked down just slightly.  Any ideas?

Don't know. Do these cars adjust the engine with the A/C on? Maybe
it thinks the A/C is on but it isn't, so the bump in fuel makes it
run "perkier". I know my 100Q (the same car as yours) feels like I
hit the brakes when I click on the A/C.

> 3. Brakes:  When rolling backward down my driveway with ABS engaged, there
> *sometimes* is a slight metal clang when I apply the brakes gently.  It'll
> clang once or twice and then stop.  There is no noticeable problem with
> stopping power or pulling to either side.  Also, when I tested the brakes on
> ice, the ABS worked, but made a metallic pulsing sound much like metal
> striking metal.  Without ABS, the brakes make no sound, but the car skidded.
> The local VW (& formerly Audi) dealer's mechanic rode with me in the car on
> the test and said he thought nothing was wrong and that it was simply the
> sound an older ABS system makes.  True?

The ABS is deigned to make noise and pulse the pedal so you know it
is engaging. Is this what you feel? That clang sounds like one or more
of the clips is a bit loose on the brakes, so the shields tap against
the rotor or wheel.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it