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Re: Cure for Poor AM reception

>Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:08:10 -0500
>From: "Douglas Hurst Quebbeman" <dougq@iglou.com>
>Subject: Re: Cure for Poor AM reception
>> I was getting absolutely horrible AM reception (as in none!) in my 89
>> 200TQW.  I cleaned up my car battery contacts which were full of crud and
>> wallah (sp?).  My AM reception has returned as good as new.
>  ^^^^^^
>The word is "viola", and is pronounced "vwah-lah" (saw this "wallah" thing
>posted a few times on the list, so ha to comment). -doug q
>- --
>- -Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me "Doug"]

Hmm, "...battery contacts...full of crud and _viola_." ???

The viola (Doug, it's pronounced "vee-oh-lah") is a large string instrument
that many of us have learned is quite impossible to fit properly beneath
the rear seat of a 200tq. In fact, Audi 100 and 200 owners should be
advised that attempts to store such an instrument in that space will surely
result in electrical (and viola) problems.

Upon discovering such a situation, the appropriate exclamation is:
"Voila! Viola!"


              *** Phil & Judy Rose      Rochester, NY *********
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