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Re: yikes! melted/charred rad. fan connector!

>In the past, I damaged the plastic connector a bit (namely one
>of the locking tabs broke).  I also pulled on of the wires out
>by accident, and had to put a different crimp connector on it.
>That was the ground.
I hope that was one serious crimp connector!

>Anyway, I got it rigged so that it works, and already ordered
>a new connector and ends from the dealer.
>What I'm going to do now is fix it with some crimp connectors,
>and I'd like to put a fuse inline.  It's my understanding that
>there is no fuse from the factory, right?  (I'm scared that my
>"hot" wire will come off and hit ground and my car will pull a
>"Phil" on me (no offense, Phil), since I have no connector any
>more)  I will have it rigged with just two regular female spade
Those will not handle the current.

>So, when I do this, I can use a 30 amp fuse, right?  And there
>already is a relay, so I don't have to add one of those?

Get parts for the 5k.  88 and up models had an inline fusable link that
attaches to the body of the car right just a tad back from the coolant
resevoir, next to the brake stuff.  The link is designed to melt if the fan
seizes; this is because there is NO fuse between the fan and the battery.
If the fan seizes, it will melt the harness and/or start a fire.

However, this fuse goes on the GROUND side of things.  NOT the hot side.
Still, it's better than nothing.


Brett Dikeman
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