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RE: Compressor, she go "Ptooey"
I just got through rebuilding the Nippondenso compressor from my '89
200Q - got a set of seals sent from Hancock Industries in Abilene TX for
around $30, also got a new clutch ($150) and rcvr/dryer (< $30) from
them. Sorry don't have their 800 # but they have an ad in the back of
Rebuild was easy & sure beats ~$250 for a compressor rebuilt by someone
else. Have not yet installed it though -- still collecting obscure
O-rings & such.
By the way, what seized on mine was the bearing in the clutch, not the
actual compressor -- I could have probably not even rebuilt the
compressor, but did anyway.
I'll be going the R134 conversion route, so I used PAG oil in the
One other thing -- if yours is a Nippondenso, get the special gadget for
pulling the clutch of the compressor.
Good luck
Nick Craft
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Jensen [mailto:sjensen@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 1998 12:20 AM
To: Quattro List
Subject: Compressor, she go "Ptooey"
Hi all:
Well, I thought I was having a bad weekend till I read Brett and Dan's
posts. Glad your mom is gonna be okay, Dan, and Brett I hope your
homeowners' insurance covers the mess in your basement.
On Friday my a/c compressor decided to do a bad imitation of Chernobyl
seized up big time. Local repair shops want between $750 and $1000
to replace the compressor, drier, purge the system of any trash and
recharge with R-12 freon. I don't want to go the R-134 route based on
previous posts. And I live in Atlanta, where it got up to 95 degrees F
today so A/C is a gotta-have.
I have worked on engines, transmissions and everything else _other_ than
a/c's before, but this is the first time I've considered doing a/c work
myself since I don't have an extra grand laying around.
Options appear to be as follows:
1. Take it to the shop, have it done right, and make the mechanic's boat
payment this month.
2. Buy a rebuilt compressor from Compressor Rebuild Co. in Van Nyes, CA
(thank you Avi Meron for mentioning this place in a previous post) for
+ $60 core charge, install it myself and have someone else purge trash
recharge the system. New drier, too.
3. Install a used compressor known to be good from the parts car I
install new drier and have someone else purge and recharge the system.
data points on life expectancy of the compressor if I do it this way?
Used the search engine and scanned the archives for two days and I
apologize if I missed anything. Will probably take my car to the shop to
have the R-12 extracted prior to starting any work, but the parts car
probably "develop a leak". Flame if you must...
Looking for any suggestions and/or BTDT's. I'm worried about the fact
Scott Mo's excellent site mentions there may be shrapnel in the system
the compressor seizes, and I want to do it right the first time.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the WOB.
-Steve Jensen (currently sticking to the seat)
'87 5KCSTQ