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Re: Thanks

> To everyone who responded to my questions concerning my 83 Coupe rehab,
> THANKS! The response has been great and very, very helpful. I have two
> additional questions someone might be able to answer. Recently, my tach has
> begun to be somewhat erratic. When I start the car, it swings to the extreme
> right, then to 0, bounces around for a while (1- 3 minutes) then settles
> down to normal indications. All other instruments work fine. Any ideas of
> the cause/trouble shooting/fix? Second question has to do with manuals and
> Audi specific tools. Any good aftermarket maintenance manuals for the Audi
> and where can one find Audi specialized tools?

My tach has been doing the same thing- but only on the hottest days. When the
temp came back down into the 80s, it went away.

However, I had another symptom- some of my warning lights would start to 
flicker, too.

My guess is that the voltage regulator on the backside of the instrument
cluster is whining about the heat. It's not heatsinked. Maybe a little
Stabilant 22 might clear it up, but now that my Q is running again, the
Coupe will probably sit for a while...   Good luck, -doug q
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536     Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto,     84 Coupe GT 
       77 100LS Auto,     86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar  
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits