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P/N help... drunks

I realize that I'm wasting b/w, but I am genuinely in a pinch. Please
send me the part # for the multi-function temp sender in the 80/90/CQ.
Please send to trharlan@hotmail.com, as this is the only Email I can
access at work. And do it OFFLIST. I have faith that one random lister
will do a little unrewarded work for me, and that everyone will have the
common sense to avoid triple posting, and keep stupid B/W down.

And this drunk thread... Let's keep it nonconfrontational. This is a
situation where all non-engineers finally think that they can share
their brilliance with the list. Don't do it. I declare a voluntary
moratorium. This list is about Audis. Try rec.alt.politicos...

Ted Harlan

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