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Re: Valve Clatter

>From owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net Wed Jul  1 10:07:52 1998
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MAA06884 for quattro-fora; Wed, 1 Jul 1998 12:41:25 -0400 (EDT)
>Message-ID: <359A67E5.CB38CEC7@home.com>
>Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 09:46:36 -0700
>From: Lisa Schiefer <seast@home.com>
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>Subject: Valve Clatter
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>	You are going to hear a lot of different advice on this topic, but 
>what works in MY car:
>	My 85 coupe has had noisy lifters for 3 years. I tried switching to
>synthetic, Mobil 1, but the noise got louder: the mechanic said 
>about old engines needing thicker oil, so now I run Castrol GTX 20-50 
>great results. However, it it wasn't for a product called "Swepco 502 
>Improver", I would have shelled out the $300 for the lifter work. Add a 
>(8 ounces or so, $16) with your next couple oil changes and the noise 
>disappear- at least until the oil's dirty again. Currently for me, 
every other
>oil change needs the additive. How it works, I don't know, it just 
>Shane East
where do you get this "swepco" stuff, no one{Big Wheel, Champion, and 
others} in my area {Minneapolis} have heard of the stuff. I get clatter 
mainly in the morning{sitting longer} and after the engine has been 
under high stress-low rpm{a.c. in traffic when humid} conditions. A 
switch to a Mann oil filter and GTX 20-50 has helped, but not completely 
cured the problem. I've purchased an oil filter at the dealership, that 
says audi and bears the four rings, but says "made in U.S.A.", havent 
used it as I've heard that the fives are particular about the flow 
characteristics of the filter used.  any insight?
Mark Busse-----87.5 CGT

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