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All kinds of lights, KC ....RE: Source for "affordable" euro-lights?

If you are really pressed for money.........get yourself a set of 175WATT
(each) KC auxiliary lights, the sealed beam ones NOT the halogen ones...
($75 a piece) and mount them on the bumper, no Euro light will come even
close to the light output (I have a set of Euros on my Q...and a set of KC
so I have experience in the subject matter...), the night will become
as for the Euro crowd (the ones that spent millions of dollars on "way
overpriced lights", me included), you know the Euro lights give you that
"Honda look" and the KC give you the Quattro look, the one you choose is
your own taste..........
No flames allowed, strictly a matter of taste, the look part, that
is.....not the performance of the lights........

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Hussey, Dan
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 9:01 AM
> To: 'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
> Subject: Source for "affordable" euro-lights?
> Hey fellow listers,
> I was driving the other night and had to run off the road to avoid
> hitting a pack of raccons having a meeting in the middle of the road!  I
> didn't see them at all!  And, so I've decided stock lighting just isn't
> going to cut it.  I thought about just getting a set of fogs, but I want
> distance!
> I want to order a set of euro-lights for my 200tq sedan.  But, seeing as
> how I am a lowly college student and don't have much money to burn,
> where is the cheapest source for these lights?
> I have heard the names of two places thrown around.  1) Penninsula
> Imports in Canada, and 2) Max at AVS in Washington (the state).
> I have yet to try to contact either of these two parties, but I was
> wondering if anyone knew of "the cheapest source" for european
> headlights??????
> Any info would be greatly appreciated.
> Later,
> Dan
> '90 200tq (looking for "cheap" euro-lights)
> Personal Quote: "FOR OFF-ROAD USE ONLY!"