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I am soooo smart

I did something really, really bright today.

Decided to check up on the 5k sitting in the driveway(like, hmm, does it

Started great, little bit of lifter noise( a top off of some fresh 15W50
mobil 1fixed that) and a little low on pentosin, little low on coolant.
Filled all fluids involved.  Hmm.  I wonder what shape the bomb is in.
Turn off engine.  Pump pump pump etc.

Ahh.  At least 30.  Good.  Go to close hood.  What the hell is all that
@#%#!$ Pentosin doing everywhere?(well, dribbling down the sides of the
container.)  Hey...where did it come from?  Oh...duuuhh...the bomb...

Lesson?  Don't top off the hyd. fluid container to the line and then
pump-test(basically, drain) your bomb!  Turns out that the space from the
max mark to the top of the container is juuuuuust a teensie bit smaller
than the amount of fluid the bomb can be "persuaded" to give up.

Good move, eh? :)_
         dribble ^^

PS:Hint hint, for sale, hint hint.  87 5kCST, 140k, Alpine white/grey
cloth, 5spd, good bomb(original!)
PPS:It's taking up space.  Hint hint hint hint.
PPPS: Am I hinting enough? :)

91 200q20v
87 5kCST-father's personal sailboard-trip-vehicle now("Eh.  It doesn't tack
very well, but it drives OK.")

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.