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A4 30V Supercharger kit
I recently saw an advertisement for a supercharger kit for the A4 30V.
I recently ordered an A4Q 30V ('99 model) and was looking for
performance upgrades for it. The information I saw was kind of
limited. Does anyone have any idea as to how good this system is, what
it does to things like fuel economy (my greates trepidation concerning a
full-time supercharger), etc. There's also no indication as to cost,
but I imagine cheap would not be a word used to describe it.
Thanks for any help.
'99 Audi A4 2.8Q 30V (October delivery)
Luke Sponholz
Software Engineer
Bell Atlantic
Email: Luke.Sponholz@iscorp.bellatlantic.com
Phone: (301) 236-7846
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