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Re: drivers habits AND SOME RANTING

Returned earlier from the 300 mile round trip run from new orleans to mobile, AL. And
by damn don't i agree mini-vans, and SUV's(stupid useless vehicles) of all sizes
apparently feel that the left lane is for going <=70mph and slowing up my progress.
It also seemed that a great majority were wearing Texas plates, and every one with TX
plates also seemed to be unaware of what flash to pass means. Pardon to my audi
brethren from TX, but what the hell are these rednecks texans thinking, i don't give
a damn if their in front of me as long as they are willing to exceed the speed limit
by at least 5 mph or so, and are willing to move when i wish to pass. I do not expect
everyone, car, on the road to be willing, or able to cruise at 85-95mph. So as the
bumper sticker says "lead, follow, or get out of the way." Another thing that really
pisses me off is the semi-dumptrucks cruising along with out their loads covered. I
got stuck behind one today, due to the aforementioned problem, and now i have to go
and repolish/wax, done last weekend, my car since i thought i was in a sandblaster
for about 10-20 miles.
Thanks for the ears, and sorry for the waste of space. But it's this or i start
having road rage, and this is much more civilized, although possibly not as
sean 96A6q
MHLIGGINS@aol.com wrote:

> Per Mike Mulholland:
> <<has anyone else noticed that the most aggressive drivers are in mini vans
> and caitnop grand ams?>>
>         Must be a regional thing.  In the south the mini-vans are the ones in the
> left lane at near or below the speed limit keeping pace with the semis so no
> one can pass.  BTW, do the mini-vans up there have turn signals?  They don't
> seem to have them installed in the ones I see around here.  Did they make turn
> signals an optional item for mini-vans?
>         Don't see many Grand-Amites causing problems, but lots of SunFires.  Same
> manufacturer though.
>         Later.
>         --ml