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Re: paint/finish
trharlan@one.net wrote:
> I'll skip the garbage.
> The CQ has some baked-on pine tar (George Brett is an American hero). I
> have tried a gel (not aggressive) and a mineral spirits (bad stuff)
> cleaner. Still have some serious residue left over. I want to cry!
> I will spend $100 and 48 hours if necessary, but I need help.
The "baked-on" stuff is only the non-volatile remnants of the oil-based
drops. The lighter oils have evaporated. I've had better luck with oil
of some sort than with alcohol. The alcohol just seems to smear it
around. Oil: peanut oil, hunk o'peanut butter, vegetable oil, etc. Put
a few drops on a rag that's strategically positioned over the crud.
Allow to soak for a while, maybe overnight. The oil should soften the
hunk so that you can _wipe_, rather than scrape, it off. Be sure to wipe
it _up and off_ rather than around. I prefer to CAREFULLY scrape most of
the depth off so that there's just a thin skin left on the paint. YMMV.
BTW, we've moved, so I'm just removing existing blobs, now. NO MORE PINE
'87 4kq w/a few blobs
'89 200q, never lived at that *$@ rental hovel