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Re: Car/Performance Car

Addressed to: Ray Bonnett <swiller@pacbell.net>

** Reply to note from Ray Bonnett <swiller@pacbell.net> Sun, 02 Aug 1998 23:19:13 -0700
> I'm in Northern California, and I'm having a really hard time tracking 
> down these great magazines. I don't think I've ever been inside a B & N 
> and found Performance VW or Volkswagen Audi Car. Anyone in the region 
> know of a consistent source for these magazines??
If you're not in a major city (or at least a college town), it may be
difficult. Places I've found _Car_ in Seattle:

Crown Books (soon to pull out of several cities, including Seattle, alas);
Barnes & Noble; news stands with a good assortment of foreign magazines;
University of Washington bookstore.