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Re: Car/Performance Car

fred smith wrote:
> The August issue of "Car Magazine" comes with a "Performance Car "
> supplement.The sup contains items about the 60 hottest cars of two
> decades.Audi urQ and the RS2 as well as the Integral etc.
> Performance VW also has an aricle on TWO Short Quattros from GB.One is
> car of Aelred Smith (unfortunately no relation)of Dialynx.These Quasi
> Sport's were made from generic urQ's.Nice article.So step right up
> and have your coupe (gulp) cut in half.One is 420hp the other a meer
> 280.Take your pick. The details says "resprayed with Zurmat Silver"
> Is that an Ugly shade of "Zermat"??
> Sorry if this is old news.
> Smitty


I'm in Northern California, and I'm having a really hard time tracking 
down these great magazines. I don't think I've ever been inside a B & N 
and found Performance VW or Volkswagen Audi Car. Anyone in the region 
know of a consistent source for these magazines??

