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'87 5ktqw driveline backlash?

> Morning,
> Not sure if I have a problem or not on a '87 5kcstqw with 226K miles.
> In second and first when slowing down the car jurks to a slow. You have
> to push clutch in to stop the jurking.

This may be a long shot, but I had the _exact_ same symptoms with my 89
200tqw. The jerking was so bad, I'd have to get the clutch in fast for fear
the car would shake itself apart.... Turns out it was -get this -- a leak in
the Michelin Man house from the IC to TB... sounds weird, but a new hose (I
used Steve's Napa trick) fixed it immediately. 2k miles since and still
running strong. I would have bet it was a transmission problem, but it just
goes to prove how sensitive these MC engines are to air leaks.

Good luck.

Tim King
Seattle, WA

89 200tqw

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