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Porsche guys?

William "Bill" Elliot wrote, in part:

"But Phil hit it on the head.... I don't want to be known
as one of those "Porsche" guys"

Bill, I think you may likely find that there are many former,
present, and perhaps future P-car drivers on this list.  As a
former P-car driver (before children) and a PCA member, I
observed that Porsche folks represented virtually every sex,
creed, color, religion.  Moreover, many of them were fairly
intelligent car enthusiasts.  What exactly is -quote- one of
those "Porsche" guys -end quote-?  Do you mean Dr. Ferry
Porsche?  Ferdinand Piech?  Josef Hoppen? Al Holbert?  Hurley
Haywood?  Vic Elford?  Mark Donohue?  Hans Stuck?
