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RE: Porsche guys?
It doesn't matter what "we" (being car knowledgeable people) think, it's
what the general public thinks "Porsche guys" are. Around here (Boston area)
the _vast_ majority of people I see driving Porsches are middle age white
guys who need the car as a status symbol / sexual aid / toy to pretend they
aren't old.
When I told my wife I wanted to get a 911 turbo some day, she asked if I was
going to get a black Member's Only jacket and a pair or Ferrari sunglasses
to go with it. That's what a lot of people think of Porsche drivers, right
or wrong. Of course, we know differently.
Just my opinion. I still want a 911T or a 928S4.
Rob Winchell
91 200Q
87 4kCS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Greg Johnson
> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 7:54 PM
> To: Quattro List
> Subject: Porsche guys?
> William "Bill" Elliot wrote, in part:
> "But Phil hit it on the head.... I don't want to be known
> as one of those "Porsche" guys"
> Bill, I think you may likely find that there are many former,
> present, and perhaps future P-car drivers on this list. As a
> former P-car driver (before children) and a PCA member, I
> observed that Porsche folks represented virtually every sex,
> creed, color, religion. Moreover, many of them were fairly
> intelligent car enthusiasts. What exactly is -quote- one of
> those "Porsche" guys -end quote-? Do you mean Dr. Ferry
> Porsche? Ferdinand Piech? Josef Hoppen? Al Holbert? Hurley
> Haywood? Vic Elford? Mark Donohue? Hans Stuck?
> GregJ