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Upgrading Ur-Q's cooling systems

In message <v04003a09b1ee3151b4d0@[]> Brett Dikeman writes:

>> I also once found a car that had been in Saudi Arabia and the owner
>> thought: "No frost, therefore no antifreeze."

>> The inside of the system was corroded to hell.  Most of the radiator
>> tubes were blocked - had to scrap the lot.  On a Sport, too - $$$$!

> Well, to some extent he was right; no frost, so no need for antifreeze,
> which means he's running pure water, which has the highest heat capacity.
> What he should have done, I guess, was run a slight amount?  Or some sort
> of rust preventitive?

I don't know if commercial corrosion inhibitors like Fernox are usable
in cars.  Audi states quite firmly that the recommended coolant mixture
must be used _whatever_ the ambient conditions.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)