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Re: 5 blade cooling fan mod

In a message dated 8/6/98 Tony Lum <tlum@flash.net> writes:

<<...The fan is retained by a clip and is completely different from the 500W
motors used in the type 44 chassis which use a left hand threaded nut.  I've
got a 7 blade fan ready to install on the 5kcstq (thanks to Dave Head) and it
has curved scythe-like blades.  It seems the more blades a fan has, the higher
its frequency pitch, which it more pleasing to the ear IMHO. >>

I believe I have that fan too (right Tony?) and it is very quiet, can't hear
it on low from inside the car.

On this subject...does anyone know if there was a change in fan motor max RPM
when Audi changed from 5 to 7 blades? Reason I ask...in my 911 days, I recall
there were different blade count fans and when changing the number of blades
one must also change the drive pulley (air cooled engine with belt driven
fan). The reason I was told is that the fan with more blades actualy pushed
less air when turned too fast (by the fan pully intended for fewer blades).
While I can't imagine it is an issue on the 5k fan assy., it is food for

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq (with a little tiny super-fast fan making funny noises--HELP!)