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More whining!

So, I've been driving around for about a week and a half since my A6q was
serviced and supposedly fixed. I did think I noticed an improvement in
acceleration from a standstill when I first got it back but it was still real
sluggish on low speed acceleration and I thought to myself that I would give
it a week or so and then call service again. Well, I'll be calling tomorrow! 

A few days back, someone was talking about acceleration hesitation or
something and one of the responses was..."stomp....one Mississippi, two
Mississippi.....  yeehah!!!!!!!!!!!" (I thought this was quite amusing and
unfortunately too real). Well, this is what happens to me, although, I can't
say that I actually stomp. But, I am feeding gas trying to get up to highway
speed on an entrance ramp, for instance, and thats what I get. Visualize
cartoon characters in a car, stepping on it and all of a sudden the car takes
off and all of them get thrown back against the seats. I'm exaggerating of
course, but thats what it feels like.

On top of that, when I brought it in I was getting 20-22mpg and told them so.
They thought I should be getting better and so did I. Since then I got 17mpg
on the first tank and 18 on the second. What is wrong with this picture?

I love so many things about this car, but I am ticked. They replaced a really
expensive part: the transmission control unit (part plus 3 1/2 hours labor, on
Audi) and now I'm wondering if they needed to do so because I'm really not
seeing a significant improvement in driving performance and gas consumption
appears to be worse. I actually feel that the little Corolla loaner had more
oomph and its not even oomph that I'm complaining about, its the hesitation
that really gets to me....lets go....wait a sec...OK, ready now..........

Did I get a lemon?
A6q pearl, the color is still perfect.