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Re: Sanity check
At 02:32 PM 8/10/98 +0200, you wrote:
>At 00:41 10.08.98 -0700, Michael Williams wrote:
>>how bout trying a silent alarm that will wake you but wont let the guy
>>know that you have been awakened?
>Not necessarily a good idea.
Remember the motto of the Boy Scouts - "Be Prepared".
>Here's how it often looks here in Poland. You
>hear your alarm going off (be it an audible or silent remote unit). You go
>to your car to see what's going on.
And you carry with you your own Uzi and greet them from cover.
>You are welcomed by three getlemen
>holding baseball sticks and/or guns. They politely ask you to hand down the
And you politely counter offer to key the trigger of your Uzi.
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372/1166 *
* Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP *
* '95 S6 Cashmere Grey *