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A Snob's Guide to German Marque Pronuniation
Hi All!
I have always had fun pronouncing the names of *VAH g'ns" produced in
the *FAH tur lahnd*
Here they are, along with common Amuhrican alternates: amaze your
friends (or at least inspire a quizical look :)
Merkur (my second favorite marque): mare KOOR ....... MUR kur
Mercedes: MARE sa deez ........ mar SAY deez or mur Say deez
Porsche: POHR shuh ...... PORSH or PORCH
VW : FOW vay .... VW
BMW : bay em VAY .... BMW, Bimmer or Beemer
And, the marque that translates the best, usually?
AUDI: OW dee .... OW dee or (shudder) AH dee
Good thing we don't have to pronounce Auto Union Deutsches
Industriellensgesellshaft :-))
Personal to Phil: sorry I missed you on your brief visit to
Flyoverland, MN