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The Passat Lives

We have had no further trouble since the CV joint boots were slit
around a couple of weeks ago.  Perhaps our nocturnal visitor was merely
exacting one-off revenge for being scared shitless when the alarm went

I rebuilt both driveshafts yesterday.  The whole thing went a lot more
easily than I had expected - no hitches apart from doing up the blasted
clips.  I managed the larger ones using the large Vise-Grips I bought
for dealing with fuel pump check valves, but I just couldn't manage the
small ones, so I tie-wrapped them in place.  Is there a special tool
for crimping these things?

Anyway - despite VAG insisting that pullers are necessary - both
wheel splines separated with a single tap from a copper hammer.  Both
outer CV joints also came apart very easily.

The infamous braking click has also gone - I have long suspected it was
wear in the left outer joint.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)