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Re: ignition key mechanicals, 88 90
This was a recall on the 93-95 90 and A6, we replaced hundereds of them
in the car, The bolt is a T30 tamperproof torx (Snap-On or Mac) and before
you can slide the lock ass. out the tumbler must be remove by drilling a
small hole in the lock so you can push down a piece of spring steel that
holds the cylinder in. I would recomend taking it to the dealer as they
have a lot of experiance with them, otherwise you risk hurting the tumbler
which is not cheap!! (Surprise) Even if you remove the column the drilling
still must be done albeit at an easier angle. Good Luck.
Daniel Jones
At 01:44 PM 8/17/98 MDT, you wrote:
>> This happened to me a few months back. I forget what size, but it was a
>> head with a pin in the center so that a torx bit will not help. The tools
>> are available from Snap-On or others I assume. In any case, after an hour
>> screwing around with it, I realized that the easiest way to do the job was
>> pulling the column out. After that, it's a snap. I had a spare used one to
>> throw in it.
>Can you pull the column from the inside of the car? I don't want to
>get down into taking dash-boards and steering racks apart.
>Once you got the column off, did you swap columns or were you able to
>get the lock component off, given the much more comfortable acess you
>had to it?
>Thanks for your help,
>Dennis M. Ruffing
>Applications Engineering. Altia, Inc.
>phone: 719-598-4299 fax: 719-598-4392
>mailto:dennisr@altia.com, http://www.altia.com