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RE: New 1.8t Price?

>Date: 19 Aug 98 09:19:01 -0600
>From: Dianne Vance <dvance@parkcity.k12.ut.us>
>Subject: New 1.8t Price?
>I am new at this "buying a car business", but have fallen in love with
the =
>Audi 1.8 T.  I have been quoted a price of $27830 which includes
quattro, =
>sunroof, sport steering wheel, audio (bose) package, and all weather =
>package.  Is this a good price?  Thanks.

Edmunds (www.edmunds.com) says:

		invoice	MSRP

base		20,942	23,790
dest	   	   500	   500
Quattro	 1,650	 1,650
Bose pack	 1,044	 1,200
Sport wheel	   139	   160
weather pack   548	   630
sunroof pack 1,035	 1,190

totals	25,858	29,120

So, $2k profit for the dealer, might be a bit high.  If you shop around
(if that's an option for you) you might be able to save another $500 or
so pretty easily.