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Re: Audi 5000TQ cutting out ...

Similar thing happened to me years ago on same model. Engine cut off
suddenly, only after it was warm. Sometimes it happened several times the
same day, other times all was ok for several days, very erratic. It was a
faulty relay, but I can't remember which one. Seems it had something to do
with oil pressure. Sorry, twas just too long ago to remember.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Vella <joevella@user.rose.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 11:43
Subject: Audi 5000TQ cutting out ...

> I have a strange problem with my 5000TQ and I hope you can help.
>After about 20 minutes of driving, the engine will lose power, such that
>you cannot continue to drive, and will quickly stop running altogether.
>It will  restart  immediately without trouble, and you can, in fact
continue to drive
>if you simply  flick the key quickly off and on.  This situation will
repeat in increasing
>frequency  as you continue to drive.
> At the time this happens, the fuel pump will make a much louder noise than
>usual, so I shorted the fuel pump relay as a trial, and the same situation
>occured. Although the fuel pump was continuously running, due to shorting
>the relay, cycling the key quickly as I drove, allowed me to continue to
>just as before.  What would you suspect here ??  THanks.
>Joseph Vella
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