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What's a Sports Car (and Does it Really Matter)?
>Nope, sportscars don't have 4 seats. Period. An UrQ is not a
>sportscar obviously. Its too tall anyway.
>Graydon D. Stuckey
Graydon seems to be taking the purist's view of sports cars, the one
that sees them descending from minimalist racing iron, sometimes
barely civilized enough for road use. Others have a broader perspective,
associating the designation with smallish cars that handle well, are fun
to drive, etc. I don't know whether there's a right or wrong answer here,
only the makings of a long thread.
To me it's more important to seek enjoyment from what you drive. I'd
prefer a Porsche 911 or Ur-q to a Lotus 7 or Morgan Plus 8 (to cite two
traditional British examples), and it doesn't matter how you categorize
any of them. OTOH, it got on my nerves when Nissan advertised the
Maxima as a four-door sports car . . .