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Audi Plans, S4 coming in 1999, S6 indeterminate

Here's a thread from <Auditalk@vw.com>, Audi's e-mail contact on their US
web site:

Dear Paul:

Thank you for contacting Audi of America.

Plans to offer an Audi S6 have not yet been determined.  However, we do
expect to bring the beautiful S4 to North America during 1999, but that
is all the information available at this time. Timing and details are
still being determined.

If we can help in any other way, please write again.



From:  Paul Nicholson[SMTP:paul@eisusa.com]
Sent:  Wednesday, August 19, 1998 2:18 PM
To:  Auditalk
Subject:  Re: A6 Manual Transmission


I know about the Tiptronic, but I really want a manual transmission. I
heard a rumor that Audi will be bringing the S6 to the US at the end of
year. Can you confirm this and if so, will the S6 be available with a
manual transmission?


At 13:44 -0400 8/19/98, Auditalk wrote:
>Dear Paul:
>Thank you for contacting Audi of America.
>We certainly appreciate your interest in Audi vehicles.
>At the present time, we do not offer a manual transmission for our A6
>model.  The A6 sedan comes standard with our 5 speed automatic
>Transmission.  The Tiptronic Transmission permits the driver to shift
>gears manually when the road and the mood beckon. With Tiptronic,
>spirited driving can include full control over gear selections and
>points. Yet highway cruising is still as relaxed as putting the level
>"D".  And when the driver leaves the shifting to the automatic, the
>Dynamic Shift Program (DSP) is at work, coordinating the transmission's
>every move to the driver's style.
>You may visit the "Passion" section of our website for additional
>information. This section demonstrates the function of Tiptronic. If we
>can help
>with any other information, please write again.
>From:  WebServ@ahu003.abh.vw.com[SMTP:WebServ@ahu003.abh.vw.com]
>Sent:  Tuesday, August 18, 1998 2:43 PM
>To:  auditalk@audi.com; rsumner@netpub.com
>Subject:  A6 Manual Transmission
>Date: Tue Aug 18 14:42:55 EDT 1998
>name: Paul Nicholson
>address: 988 Bright Star
>city: Thousand Oaks
>state: CA
>zip: 93021
>phone: 805 493 2208
>email: paul@eisusa.com
>response: E-mail
>subject: Upcoming Audi Models
>comments: Hi,
>I previously owned a 4000 quattro and I
>would like to buy a new quattro. The A4
>is too small for my needs, and I like
>the A6 but I really want a manual
>transmisssion. Should I wait for
>something new, or should I go buy
>something else

Paul Nicholson               Electronic Imaging Systems, Inc.
TEL 805 532 1068             5148 Commerce Avenue, Unit F
FAX 805 532 1065             Moorpark, CA 93021 U.S.A.
paul@eisusa.com		     http://www.eisusa.com