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Re: The steak knife metho

 -=> Quoting Mhliggins <=-

 Mh> 	Just a touch of nitpicking and clarifying here.  While most of that
 Mh> description looks pretty reasonable, this line:

 Mh> 	<<Remove wiper blades with the 10mm socket.>>

 Mh> 	does not work for any 5K I've ever worked on.  Takes a 13mm to pull
 Mh> the wiper

     Agree with that...AND, as I stated the last time this post
     made the rounds, I wouldn't consider a butcher job like
     this on anything I own. Changing the blower motor is
     not that difficult a job, just a PITA job.  After
     you've done it once, it gets easier.  You'll have
     to take the whole thing apart correctly to change
     the heater core, usually before the blower goes.

     I would take a steak knife to it only under extreme
     circumstances, say under a bridge in the pouring
     rain.  Even then, you can usually pull off the
     rubber hose on the housing, and push the brushes
     of the blower motor in with a screwdriver to get
     the blower going temporarily. This temporary fix
     lasted almost 5 months on the '84 5KS.


... Reality-ometer:  [\........]  Hmmph!  Thought so...
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