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Re: P/N for Cover hold down screws - V8 & 20vI5
>Steve- I assume you replaced them because the plastic cover with the cross
>slots broke. Rather than replace, you could have drilled two small holes in
>the serated brass top at opposite ends of a diagonal and use needle nose or
>circlip pliers to remove/install. HTH
>Frank Santoro
>1990 V8 (for Sale)
>1998 A8
I think it's more of an asthetics issue. That 5 cylinder engine just
doesn't look very sexy with the big ugly brass screw glaring at you :)
Actually, for me, it's more of a usefulness issue. Plus the time it would
take for me to get to the local Audi dealer(or call a parts place) is less
than the time it would take for me to modify the plug.
I actually found that the business end of an antifreeze tester is great for
removing it; the rubber bulb grips the head nicely.
Brett Dikeman
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