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An interesting coincidence

I just recently interviewed and now work for Artel Software...a person(now
a co-worker) at the company was responsible for letting me know of the
job(through a seperate list, AppleshareIP.)

Today was my "first" day, more like 1/2 a day to get settled in, and while
asking directions, the subject of parking came up.
"Oh, I'm parked right down there.  I'm the green car."
Me:"Umm...which green car?"
"The audi."

I've had Audi owners do some nice things; this takes the cake; truly the
Audi Gods* must be smiling :)

We chatted for a bit; he complained that his '97 a4q 2.8 is "kinda
poopish", though he pointed out it has a non-30v-engine since it was one of
the first 1997's to come into the US(Audi canceled his order for a 1996
model, and instead they gave him a 1997 3 months later.)  His biggest
complaint was no power on the high end "you get it above 5k and it just
goes phhhhbbbttt"(exact words.)

He then fessed up and said "I really wanted an S4, but couldn't get one."


I don't think he's ever heard of the list, though he's very into the a4
mods and stuff, thoroughly researched it a couple months back.  He decided
a chip to add 15hp wasn't really worth it.

Previous car was a Mitsubishi Eclipse...

PS:are there 4 audi gods?  I've never heard the term used in the singular...

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.