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Team Door Handle

If you ever see a bearded guy getting escorted off
an airplane because he slugged a German fellow
passenger you'll know the head of Audi Team
Door Handle had the misfortune of getting
ticketed next to me on the flight.  With
that said...

I recall some posts on the list about a source
for Audi door handle repair kits that used real
metal instead of pot metal.  Could someone please
get me the phone number of the vendor so I can
order the kit.  

Door handle on the 84 5KS failed (surprise?) for
the umpteenth time. I am partially to blame, as
I missed it's monthly lube job by a few days.
Ordered a replacement handle, parts delivery guy
comes by with it, while I'm checking it to make
sure it's the right one, I put some pressure on the
mechanism while pressing it....SNAPPED in my hand,
the NEW one. This piece o'crap had the Audi part numbers
and was "Made in Spain".  Upon closer inspection with a
magnifying glass, the place where it snapped had a bubble
in the casting.  When queeried as to whether I wanted him
to bring a replacement, I said sure, but only if he wanted
me to use it to check his prostrate.

Another lister also mentioned that VW handles were the
same, but I tried  using a VW handle once, it looked the
same, but the way the mechanism worked internally was
very different.



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