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Re: RE:30 days in the hole [was: I ate a sandwich in a car in the UK]

At 20:17 23.08.98 -0500, Dave Aukerman wrote:

>> I _never_ race on the street.  When the situation arises that someone
>> wants to race, I either leave them standing or let them leave me. 
>> If we're closely matched, I back off.  I _do_ move quickly when it's safe
>> to do so - but I'm equally happy at 10mph or less passing schools when
>> the kids are about.
>I don't drive fast! I move quickly!  License and registration please.  I'll
>try that next time I get pulled over.  But, but, officer. . .

I'm with Phil here. Driving fast does not equal to racing or unsafe driving
or whatever. This is what the "speed kills" lobby wants you to believe to
keep the revenue flowing. Driving fast to get from point A to point B
quickly and finding pleasure in driving at the same time is one thing -
deliberately taking unnecessary risks and provoking dangerous situations on
the road for thrills is another.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)