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UK Driving Experiences - Longish
I just got back from a 2 week vacation in London. I have family there
so I borrowed someone's car, a 16 valve 1600cc, Suzuki Baleno. Easy to
drive, revs very well and fun to drive. Fairly stable at 90 mph as
Noticed a lot of Audi's, especially 80/90, but very few Quattro's. Also
saw a few A3. Don't like the look of them though.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that it was really refreshing just driving
around in the dense London traffic and then doing 90-100 mph runs along
the A2 through Kent. I found the drivers seemed more road aware and
courteous. On many occasions in heavy traffic, I would be allowed to
enter traffic by other drivers giving up their right of way. Very
rarely have I encountered this here in the States. Also, on the
motorways, the lane discipline is absolutley stunning. Everyone passses
on the right and once they do, they move swiftly over to the left. When
merging or moving lanes in fast moving traffic, the driver behind would
slow down not speed up as is the case here, and I was able to safely
complete my manoveur. I had very few experiences of drivers following
too close whereas driving around the Capital Beltway in Wash DC, drivers
are passing from the left and right, tailgating, driving in the passing
lanes etc. A lot more harrowing and not as fun.
I just felt much safer and comfortable driving on the motorways and
local roads there, even though traffic goes so much more faster, the
roads are much more tighter and 'twistier'. It's a totally different
driving experience. Everyone seems to be so much more aware. I also
found the road signs to be a lot more consistent and better marked than
they are here in the States. For example, they have countdown markers
when exiting a motorway starting at something like 300 yards and
counting down every 100 yards. Great idea.
Also, did'nt see any police cruisers on the motorways, unless they were
very well marked or hidden. Overall, I'd say UK driving is generally a
hell of a lot better than here in the States.
mohammed bhatti
88 80q