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Re: 4kcsq Maintenance

> I am interested in what sort of maintenance I can be looking to perform on my
> 1987 4000 CS Quattro with nearly 180k miles on it.

Subframe/control arm bushings?

> 4.) Acceleration/Engine Rebuild - How can I avoid rebuilding the engine so
> I can get more acceleration/performance without coughing up a lung or
> selling all my assests?

advance the timing

> 5.) Stalling - The car still nearly stalls out when it's started, running
> at 1k rpm then down to nearly nothing, then racing, then nearly coughing
> out....It does this wihtout my foot on the gas for about 20 seconds, then
> it smoothes out.

Yes, what does this?  My coupe sometimes behaves this way too...

> 6.) Buzzing sound - There is a high-pitched buzzing sound, exactly like a
> swarm of bees, under the left rear side of my car.  What the hell could
> this be?

wheel bearing?

> 7.) My front suspensions bottoms out on big bumps or depressions,
> especially with weight in it.  How can I stiffen up the top border of my
> suspension so that it doesn't smack the ground when I hit it going over 10
> mph.

New springs.  Stiffer springs.  New strut inserts maybe - yeah, they'll
stop the bouncy bounce...

Huw Powell


"This is the place where death rejoices to teach those who live."

Usually it is written in Latin.