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Re: 4kq charging problems

Daniel Jones <captaudi@ma.ultranet.com> quoted Paul:
> At 08:20 PM 8/24/98 -0400, you wrote:
> > My battery light in the console never comes on; I'm hoping it's a burnt bulb, 
> >but I can't get the damn thing out. Bentley claims this should be a 12v/2w 
> >bulb, mine is a 12v/1.2w bulb. Can anyone confirm? Any suggestions on 
> >getting the bulb out would be great.

Well, I don't know if your 4k is like a Coupe GT, but on the CGT, the 
battery light is the circuit for the signal wire to the regulator.  If 
this bulb is burnt out, it will not charge at all.

So, if you have the wrong bulb in there, that might be a bad thing too.
