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Re: [CQ] R-134a A/C conversion?
Bob.Sandy@USPTO.GOV wrote:
> Has anyone ever attempted (and/or succeeded) converting their/an Audi
> from R-12 to R134a?
> The A/C in my 1991 Coupe Quattro just quit. The climate control[ler]
> seems to check out o.k. according to the fault diagnosis described in
> the Bentley. However, the compressor does not turn on. I suspect the
> system pressure is too low to turn the compressor on.
> Before I consider having the present R-12 system corrected, I thought
> I'd ask if there has been any experience(s) and advise from the listers?
Yup! I have been running R134a in my 1990 Coupe quattro for a couple
months now. So far no trouble... just nice cold air. :-)
'90 CQ20V