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Re: Castle Combe grp B car club and audi q track day (long)

Gee Phil, this on the heels of you claiming to _never_ drink and drive. 
Next your going to be confessing to the list that you do _indeed_ eat
burgers while talking on the cell phone and driving with your knees with
the cruise control engaged in downtown traffic.  Maybe we should nickname
you Mr. Bill.


> From: Phil Payne <quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk>
> "Yes, sir.  It _was_ a bit quick.  Have you consumed alcohol this
> evening?"
> "Yes, we've been fixing cars and I took three pints to be shared by
>  three of us."
> "Yes, sir.  Do you have any objection to providing a sample of breath
>  for roadside analysis?"
> "None at all."
> "Very well, sir.  I have a few questions first."
> ("Have you had an alcoholic drink within the last twenty minutes, a
>   cigarette within the last five minutes, drugs such as anti-hystamine
>   inhalers, mouthwashes, etc?  Any medical reason why you should not
>   give a sample? Do you understand your rights?  Blow into this.")
> So I now have _ANOTHER_ breathalyser tube as a trophy on the garage
> wall.
> --
>  Phil Payne
>  Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
>  (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)