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Re: 5k freq valve
I've had a fairly loud clicking of late from that same vicinity,
accompanied by a miss when the engine is cold (it seems). Stethoscope
definitely not needed. What does that mean? TIA.
- Wallace
'87 5kcstq 149k
Arryn Milne wrote:
> Anyone know what this does or how to troubleshoot it?
> On an '86 5kcsTQ, having what seems like a vacuum leak, but isn't.
> Eliminated that by plugging every vacuum line I can find. Using a
> stethescope I used to hear humming from the Freq valve (few months ago),
> but it is silent now. Putting the steth on top of the black plastic boot
> (from the fuel dist), I hear a humming sound (like I used to hear from the
> Freq valve), but can't hear it on anything metal.
> Thanks for any help,
> Arryn.
> PS: also sprayed carb cleaner along and around vacuum lines and there were
> no changes in rpm.
Wallace White wallace@remdesign.com
REM Design tel 415.621.3922
290 Division St., Suite 401 fax 415.621.4024
San Francisco, CA 94103 www.remdesign.com