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Re: 5k freq valve

At 18:54 25.08.98 -0400, Arryn Milne wrote:

>On an '86 5kcsTQ, having what seems like a vacuum leak, but isn't.
>Eliminated that by plugging every vacuum line I can find.  Using a
>stethescope I used to hear humming from the Freq valve (few months ago),
>but it is silent now.  Putting the steth on top of the black plastic boot
>(from the fuel dist), I hear a humming sound (like I used to hear from the
>Freq valve), but can't hear it on anything metal.

It is not necessary to use a stethoscope to hear the frequency valve
operating, it buzzes loudly like a bee. You can ativate it without starting
the engine by running ouput tests on the ECU: switch the the ignition on,
insert the a fuse into the fuel pump relay for 4 seconds then remove: fuel
pump will start running. Insert and then remove the fuse again: you should
hear the frequency valve buzzing.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)