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Re: Help with License Plates

At 09:01 AM 8/25/98 -0400, Robert Myers wrote:
>Don't get too subtle, Mike.  Imagine having to 'splain what "Q SHIP" means
>about 12 times per week.  Forever.

Indeed. No one--except those who personally know me, or those who've had
similar euro-wagens--ever gets the "ONRAILS" on the 4kq. Neither does
anyone get "MAX BAR" on the 200q. 'course, many of the less-brilliant even
failed to get the "ORINNI" on the wife's former 4ks. BTW, my stock reply
to, "What's that mean?!?" on either car is a simple, "get in."


PS CA DMV has a "phone book" of taken plates. Could save you some trouble
with the rain (wo)men at the window.