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Re: Alcohol Content wasRe: Castle Combe grp B car club and audi q trackday (long)

In message <35E42DE3.A5B@ix.netcom.com> Wolff writes:

> Hehe, I knew they were in trouble on this one. Phil, you are the first
> person I would classify as a scientific drinker.

One big problem in the UK is that few people realise how slowly a large
charge of alcohol is voided.  The rate is constant, not proportional to
the level of alcohol in the blood.  It's pretty easy to work out how
much booze in the evening leaves you unfit to drive to work next morning,
and it's not really all that much.

> In the US alcohol content of beer is listed as a percentage.
> Do you suppose that's by volume or weight?

The marketing guys would insist on it being by volume, surely?

Makes the number look bigger.

You get to keep the breathalyser tube, BTW.  Thanks to Hertfordshire
operating a system of mandatory breath tests for minor accidents a
few years back, and me getting rear-ended on the M1 about five times,
I now have a collection of five short white tubes.  Perhaps I should
mount them as trophies on the front of the car?

One thing does surprise me - that (comparatively speaking) so few
breath tests are carried out.  It works out at a couple of dozen per
week in Northamptonshire.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)