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HELP, Bizarre Electrical Poblem.
Alright, I really need some help with this one,
This evening my friend and I while trying to hook up some Hella 500
Auxillary lamps on my 86 4k Q and ran into some trouble. First we could
not get the aux lights to work at all after following the directions as
best as we could. We eventually were forced to quit because it was getting
dark out. Everything electrically seemed to be working fine up until I
attempted to start the car. The gauge was even reading its usual amount of
volts. I turn the key and nothing. The dome light then comes on hazzy, the
trip computer and my stereo reset. Not enough juice to even run the normal
lamps. The door still dings. So I figure we must of drained the battery.
So I jump start it and it fires rite up. Everything appears to be working
great. Volts read fine, lights are not dim at all so I go to drive it to
recharge the battery. After driving it a little bit the fasten seatbelt
light starts flicking on and giving the faint verson of the sound it
normally has. Driving it further the car starts to cut out slightly but
just enough to stop the CD player and just keeps going. So I immediatly
return home so I am not stuck out in the dark. When I get home, turn it
off and just as I had expected. Nothing.... What could I have possibly
have done to make this happen? All I did was disconnect the negative from
the battery while trying to hook up the auxillary lamps. I ran all the
wires from the wiring harnes to the relay and then to the switch. All I
can think is it might be a voltage regulator, but I am not sure. Did I fry
a relay or something? Before this never an electrical problem since I have
had the car. I do not get it. If this sounds like there may be a
diagnosis for this please drop me a line. I do not know where to start to
fix this. It looks like my road trip this weekend may be out. damn.
Chad Frederick
86 4kcs Q
Chad Frederick
86 4kcs Q