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More 5k CIS freq valve type questions (+ ECU q or two too)
In message <> Arryn Milne writes:
> So I pulled the ECU to check the connections, and what I would guess to be
> about 1-2 column cms of a viscous oily substance came out of pressure
> sensor line (I guess what would amout to about 10-20 drops). I'm pretty
> sure this isn't normal. I don't really want to entirely disassemble the
> car, so does someone know where this line comes out on the other side of
> the firewall.
It usually leaves the rear of the inlet manifold and turns into a (yellow)
plastic line within a few inches. You're right - it should be dry.
I can't imagine how liquid could get driven up it unless it's leaking
at the ECU end. There's supposed to be a liquid trap not far from the ECU.
> BTW, from ECU pin 8 to the orange line on the freq valve shows about 10
> ohms, and the blue/black line from the freq valve to ground shows about 5
> ohms. As both have items inbetween, I wasn't too surprised, but glad there
> was at least continuity. My parts car had almost identical values which
> eased my pain a little.
ECU to frequency valve is resistive (deliberately). This is why you
can't measure the duty cycle at the valve, and smog-equipped cars have
a test connector near the valve.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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