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RE: Power Window Regulator Questions

I recently got the updated, wormdrive part spoken about here, and =
installation seems pretty straightforward with one exception. The =
electrical connector to the motor is different from the oem part. The =
oem one has the wires coming directly from the motor to a connector =
about 6 inches away that connects it to the feed wires( green, black). =
The replacement has only a male plug on the motor itself. I guess the =
solution is to cut the wies from the old motor and put female slot =
connectors on them to plug into the new motor-mounted plug. Which is =
green and which is black though? Has anybody BTDT on this one? By the =
way mine is a 87 5KCST.



-----Original Message-----
From:	Avi Meron [SMTP:avi@cosmoslink.net]
Sent:	Wednesday, August 19, 1998 12:32 AM
To:	MSV96@aol.com
Cc:	Quattro
Subject:	RE: Power Window Regulator Questions

If I am not mistaken?......what Rod is talking about IS NOT an Audi =
part, it
is an aftermarket setup, it does not work very good, it is not a bolt on =
you will have to play with it to get to work correctly................
My suggestion is to stay away from it, even a rebuilt cable mechanism is
better (check Mountain Audi in Colorado), believe or not .....the Audi =
up is good, the worm gear set up is slow binds easily and is a pain to
install...........I know I have 2 of them.......

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net =
On Behalf Of MSV96@aol.com
Sent:	Tuesday, August 18, 1998 4:38 PM
To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	Power Window Regulator Questions

Rod at The Parts Connections tells me that there is an Audi part =
Bosch window regulator that uses the same worm gear drive as used in the
model cars. According to Rod, Audi has made these available for retrofit =
older cars because they wanted to eliminate the problems which cables
fraying, etc. once and for all in the older cars. For the type 44 there =
supposedly no modifications required to install these. (Rod did indicate
on the 4k, CGT, and ur-Q some modifications may be required.) Could this =
true? Audi actualy wanting to improve things on the older cars?

Our q-list discount price on these is $125.00 each. If that truely ends
to replace these infernal things once and for all I think it may well be =
great way to go.

Does anyone have experience with these yet? How are they holding up in =
newer cars? (100 and A6 owners feel free to chime in on this) TIA

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq (with both front windows making that fraying cable, about to =