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right tool for the job? update

Thanks to all who responded to my wee brake prob.
with ideas, condolences. etc.  It turns out that
my 'tool archive' didn't contain a thick-walled
17mm socket.  I didn't fool with the pad carrier
after the thin-walled hex socket broke...well,
maybe just a little bit with a BHPOVGs, and
although I was tempted by my little devil to
foolishly go where no man has gone before, I
resisted.  Had I done that in my youth I might be
a priest today, tempting all you wayward boys and
girls to get on the path of righteousness.

Needless to say, I went right out and bought a
thick walled 17mm hex socket, and while there
spotted a Vise-Grip (tm) locking wrench.  Bought
that too.  Looks like one fine tool that will
forgive those little lapses that occur from time
to time.  Grabs three faces of the hex and clamps
on.  Oh Lord, give me three good faces and I'm
yours!  I got the big honky one, too big for the
job, but there are various sizes.

Now I've got some smooth brakin', no more shakin'
goin' on!

BTW, dealer wanted cdn235 pesos for the pads and
cdn196 for the rotors...plus BST (b*** s*** tax).
My cost  cdn60 for pads and cdn140 for

Best regards,


P.S. Metrix has bombs for cdn359 wholesale -
dealer cdn435.  Is Joel still out there?  Is the
rebuilt bomb still functional?