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Re: Best price on Lubro Moly chemicals?
Also try your local Ace Hardware or small hardware store, look for
something like LPS Premium All-purpose, LPS Force 842, or an
equivalent. A hardware store's prices might not be much better, but you
won't have to pay for shipping.
"Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et
fructuosis potiri potes!"
Ti Kan wrote:
> Peter Biernacki writes:
> > Does anyone know where one purchase Lubro Moly chemicals for a good price?
> > I know of Mesa Performance and Bavarian Autosport, but both are a bit on
> > the expensive side.
> Try New Dimensions. I don't know if their price of LM products
> is competitive with the others, but they do carry them...
> http://www.newdimensions.com
> -Ti
> 96 A4 2.8 quattro
> 84 5000S 2.1 turbo
> 80 4000 2.0
> --
> /// Ti Kan Vorsprung durch Technik
> /// AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
> /// ti@amb.org
> ////// http://sunsite.unc.edu/tkan/
> ///