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Re: TLA Lexicon (Was: WRX v. UrQ)
Now, that you mention it, here's a short list I came up with in my free
time today while reading posts....
TLA: Originally Three Letter Acronym, now used to mean an
group/topic-specific acronym of any length.
PITA: Pain In The Anatomy
POS: Piece Of Shtuff
BTDT: Been there, done that (got the T-shirt....)
BW - BandWidth
WOB - Waste Of Bandwidth
WRT - With Regard To
IM(NS)HO: In My (Not So) Humble Opinion
IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer
FWIW: For What It's Worth
HTH: Hope That Helps
<g> : "I'm grinning while I type this" or That last bit was a joke. Laugh!"
<s> : replace grin (above) with smile
GPR: German Parts & Restoration, parts vendor (see vendor page)
Blau: Blaufergnugen, parts vendor (see vendor page)
Carlson: Carlson Audi, Palo Alto, CA Ask for Linda (see vendor page)
TAP: Total Audi Performance, makes chips (no, not potato) (see vendor page)
ATE: Company that makes brake rotors and fluid. Reccommended
BTCC: British Touring Car Championship. Run by TOCA, not FIA. Fastest,
largest and most competitive (STW runs a close second)
STW: Super TourenWagen, German series: Super Touring Wagon. Sad successor
(relatively speaking) to the awesome DTM (Deutsche TouringWagen
Meisterschaft) series that Bernie Ecclestone killed off.
WRC: World Rally Championship. The world's most popular form of
motorsport, as practised by all non-North Americans.
PRO Rally: Rallying as practised by Americans and Canadians.
VAG: Volkswagon Audi Group: Usually followed by a number. This almost
always indicates a special tool that VAG recommends you use to perform some
sort of basic system maintenance. Of course, you don't always need the
tool. You can make your own. Wiht most of them, expensive is an
understatement. Some genius came up with this system (see Genius).
VC: Viscous Coupling, type of differential, fluid based.
Torsen, T*sen, T*rsen: another type of differential, gear based.
Spool: Third type of differential, locked-rear based.
Synchro: think Quattro with a transverse engine layout,
Bomb: Brake Pressure Accumulator on Type 44 models
PS: Power Steering
GOO 2000 - Pentosin Green (after part # G 002000)
AF - anti-freeze
FS - For Sale
UFOs - UFO shaped front brake calipers sometimes used by AoA while on the
Roswell project, a form of military technology transfer.
WTB - wanted to buy
PO - Previous Owner
SO - Significant Other, also SE: Spousal Equivilent
AoA - Audi of America
t-belt: Timing Belt. See TDC.
TDC: Top Dead Center. If you still don't get it, pay someone to change
your timing belt. You haven't replaced your timing belt? Pay someone NOW
to change your timing belt.
Genius - Idiot. Usually used when referring to Audi engineer who designed
the switch bulb circuitry or the door lock mechanisms or the window
regulators or the high-beam flashing circuitry (could very well be the same
Mr. Bentley: Publisher of the best shop manuals for Audis, he sadistically
removes seemingly non-pertinent information from the manuals (when doing
this, he's a genius, see above) that is highly pertinent. This information
can only be imparted from an Audi-certified technician under a full moon
whilst inebriated and concurrently undergoing secret fraternity initiation
rites. Or by asking here on the list.
fiche: Microfiche that Audi publishes parts lists and service information
on, yes you need a reader to read them. A 16x loupe is NOT enough. And if
you don't have a big reader, you'll need to learn to read upside down.
NG: Engine type. 5-cyl, 10V, 130HP. Used on 88-91 80/90Q,
MB: Engine type. 5-cyl, 10V, ?HP. Used on
QLCC (1.8bar): Quattro List Computer Chip (optional; pushes 1.8 bar of
pressure through the turbo)
t - turbo
Q or q - quattro
20v - 20 valve engine (5 cyl)
12v - 12v engine (V6)
4k - 4000
5k - 5000
c - coupe
cs - the cs trim level
gt - the gt trim level
ls - the ls trim level
s - the s trim level
Ur - Original in German, refers to the Original Quattro. e.g. Ur-Q, urq, UrQ
At 07:10 PM 9/1/1998 , Robert Houk - WorkGroup Server Firmware was
inspired to say:
> Since it appears that "WRX" is about to (if not already has) enter the
> QList TLA Lexicon (and, uh, at the risk of exposing an embarrassing
> ignorance,) has anyone compiled a list of all the TLAs floating around
> here?
> RR
> MB
> WB
> WR
88 90Q - <insert pithy witticism here>
88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally